RecultivateNY creates custom, on-site Compost processing for farms, corporate campuses, community organizations and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Brownfields (contaminated land) and more*. Focused on soil health and the resources you already have, we create compost to restore the existing soil on your land and create opportunities for positive environmental impacts.
By converting commercial inputs, we support your goals including new and innovative plantings, repurposing of on-site materials and identifying other repurposing opportunities. We prioritize our client’s corporate objectives, analyze the repurposing process and coordinate project management. ReCultivateNY works with all areas of food waste and recyclables to identify a master plan of processing and usage as well as the construction plan to support it
By developing a tailored organic waste program, ReCultivateNY creates compost to dramatically improve your soil’s health and productivity, meeting new recycling needs and environmental goals. We take you through the challenges and pressures of scalability and are forward-looking to devise a plan that meets you where you are now and in the future.
We are full-service. We are nimble and scalable. We forge a process that works for your current size, allowing for scale and specific needs and using your own resources as well as local/regional resources. ReCultivateNY supports you in all ways, creating an informed, transparent and tailored process to ensure efficiency, production of quality product, and measurable results.